
The seven planets are known to have many movements, so they must have many barriers. None of these are independent; rather, each is in need of an incorporeal Light for its realisation and perfections. Now, only the Proximate Light comes to be from the Light of Lights. The Proximate Light does not contain multiple aspects, since any multiplicity in it would imply multiplicity in that which necessitated it and thus imply the absurdity of multiplicity in the Light of Lights. However, there is multiplicity in the barriers. If only a single barrier and no light came to be from the Proximate Light, existence would cease with it. If an incorporeal light came to be from the Proximate Light, and from this light came another light without ever leading to barriers, everything would be lights. A barrier and an incorporeal light must result from the Proximate Light, since it contains dependence in itself and independence by virtue of the First. Its intellection of its dependence is a dark state; but it beholds the Light of Lights and beholds its own essence, since there is no veil between it and the Light of Lights. Thus, by that whereby it beholds the Light of Lights, it shadows and darkens itself in comparison to It, since the more perfect light rules the more deficient. By the manifestation to itself of its dependence and the darkening of its own essence in contemplation of the glory of the Light of Lights in relation to itself, a shadow results. But with respect to its independence and its necessity by the Light of Lights and its contemplation of its glory and might, it brings into being another incorporeal light. The barrier is its shadow, and the self-subsistent light is illumination from it. Its shadow is only due to the darkness of its dependence.